Glamping and Farming on your Holiday!

Experience the Best of Glamping and Farming on Your Holiday!

Potato picking is an incredible opportunity that few people get to experience. But our glamping guests had the chance to go potato picking with none other than Rob the Farmer, a seasoned pro in the field of potato farming (pun intended!).

Rob the Farmer, with his warm smile and extensive knowledge, came to chat with our glamping guests about the world of potato farming this week. It was an evening filled with excitement and learning as he shared insights into growing, harvesting, and delivering our potatoes to local chippies like Whitehead’s (the current UK’s BEST FISH & CHIP SHOP!). Our guests were amazed to discover the amount of effort and care that goes into producing the humble spud that we often take for granted.

Time to Get Digging!

After the informative session, it was time for some hands-on experience. Armed with a large fork, potato sacks, and plenty of enthusiasm, our guests ventured into the potato field to begin their potato picking adventure. The field stretched before them, rows upon rows of lush green plants hiding those scrumptious treasures beneath the surface.

As they dug into the soil, the rookie farmers experienced the satisfying feeling of unearthing potatoes and watching them effortlessly tumble down onto the soil from the plant’s roots. It was a true delight to witness the joy on their faces as they held their first freshly picked spud in their hands.

From Field to Fork!

They then took their potatoes to the conveniently located glamping site kitchen (just 10 metres away from the field!) to wash and cook as part of their evening meals and BBQs. It was a true field-to-fork experience and a valuable lesson in understanding the origins of our food. It highlighted the importance of farming and the hard work that goes into producing the ingredients we enjoy every day. This evening will always be remembered by our glamping guests, not only for the delicious meal but also for the connection they forged with the land and the people behind their food.

So, the next time you enjoy a plate of potatoes, take a moment to appreciate the journey it has taken to get to your table, and the farmers like Rob, his brother Dave, and Dad Phil here at Kingfisher Lakes who make it all possible.

Book your stay this Summer for your chance to experience the best of both glamping and farming on your holiday!